Filter Magazine

video art

September 4th, 2009

Graffiti is a very serious crime. More serious than armed robbery. More grievous than murder. More grim than biting the heads off baby chickens! Well, perhaps not in real life, but in my world it is. (more…)

July 2nd, 2009

When asked to write about Audio/Visual (A/V) production, I am faced with a dilemma of definition. For me, as for W. J. T. Mitchell, there is no such thing as purely visual media, as I believe that all media comes with the other senses, especially sound (media without sound in fact draws our attention back to sound through the very lack of it). (more…)

January 26th, 2009

“If you approach somebody you don’t know, he might be a great poet, or great inventor, or… Anyway, the unknown is the richest field of all, because the unknown has no limits, no frontiers”[1]. (more…)

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