Filter Magazine


March 16th, 2010

Artists and scientists, in different but equally fundamental ways, seek out patterns in the natural world and sensitise others to them. Scientists, like artists, validate their work aesthetically, and both make intellectual choices that are governed by a sense of concordance with nature. Science and art together are needed for full description of the world. The belief that they are dissonant and incompatible distorts and misrepresents them both. (Frank Oppenheimer, 1972 in The Museum as Laboratory, The Exploratorium). (more…)

January 26th, 2010

The ANAT conference and workshop funding enabled me to attend the Symbiotica Wet Biology workshop at University Of Western Australia in September 2004. (more…)

July 29th, 2009

Arts Victoria’s Arts Innovation program provides support for professional artists to undertake a project with partners in other fields to share their respective knowledge and expertise. (more…)

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