Filter Magazine


January 27th, 2010

With the advent of the widespread adoption of digital technologies and the commercial phase of the Internet in the late 1990s came the empowerment of individuals to copy and redistribute content like never before. (more…)

January 27th, 2010
bettle in space(ccu animation)

If you listen to what mainstream media, corporate giants, and governments tell us about some Internet users of digital content you might expect bandanas, scimitars and pirates’ gold. (more…)

July 29th, 2009

When computers are discussed in a craft context, someone usually makes the statement that ‘technology is just a tool’. (more…)

July 6th, 2009

Getting started:Lets begin with the image above; this is a “gel electrophoresis” image made with DNA and often called (though the expression is a mis-nomer) a “DNA Fingerprint”. (more…)

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